Signed in as:
Signed in as:
Accomack * Gloucester * Isle of Wight * James City * Northampton *Surry * Sussex * Southampton* York Chesapeake * Franklin * Hampton * Newport News * Norfolk * Portsmouth * Poquoson * Smithfield * Suffolk * Virginia Beach * Wakefield * Waverly * Williamsburg * Yorktown
Police Departments
Christopher Newport College * College of William & Mary * Hampton University *
Norfolk State University * Old Dominion University * Thomas Nelson
Air Force OSI* Army CID* Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco & Firearms* Drug Enforcement Administration* Federal Bureau of Investigations* Federal Probation & Parole* Federal Protective Service* Internal Revenue Service* Immigrations Natural Service* NASA Inspector General* Naval Base Police* Navy Criminal Investigative Services* Postal Inspectors Service* Secret Service* U.S. Coast Guard* U.S. Customs Service* U.S. Marshals
Alcohol Beverage Control* Department of Corrections Investigators* Game Wardens* Hampton Roads Regional Jail * Marine Resources* State Police* State Probation & Parole Officers* Western Tidewater Regional Jail*
Chesapeake Bay Bridge Tunnel Police * Norfolk International Airport Police*
Newport News Regional Airport Police
NOBLE HRVA is saddened to hear of the murder of 30-year-old Shaquana Deborah Jordan, daughter of our brother, Portsmouth PD's Anthony Ledbetter. Anthony is a member of our chapter. Shaquana was shot and killed on Wednesday, February 5th. She was pregnant at the time, and leaves behind a young child.
In support of Anthony, our chapter will be taking up donations. If you would like to contribute, you may do so via Zelle, to our President, Asst. Chief Michele Naughton, at 757-376-5409. We are also working on setting up a donation avenue a our website.
Thank you for your support in this matter, bu